Orka provides employee time card accountability.
With clean interface and important elements we provide you every work day as an important way to complete the daily routine.
Get a brief journey of your professional work in our app for every valuable time, all it takes are some simple clicks through your smartphone!
Start the experience of taking profile photos in professional level by combining your check-ins and simply attaching a photo of you in real time technology. By this step you will later have a timeline of your photos through your work time experience.
Want to see your check-ins history registration, easy just open Time registration and manage to filter between any days or dates that you want only offered to you by simple optimized filter tool.
The reminder system allows users to set up their time optimized manually, with simple adjustments the user will get notified in time to do the check-in. Let the check-ins roll.
Website: https://orkawork.com/
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.orkawork
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/orka-work/id1142951311